The natural landscape

  • Our activity in the environmental domin includes guided tours in the village and collaboration with organization that promote the preservation of LIfta’s natural environment. Lifta represents an inseparable bond between the artificial and the natural surroundings: an outstanding architectural heritage that seamlessly blends with nature and the agricultural terraces that have always been an integral part of the village. The traditional agricultural terraces and natural water system, are the hallmarks of a sustainable culture that has allowed the village’s natural surroundings to remain highly preserved throughout hundreds of years. This is the universal importance and value of Lifta: the human cultural heritage stems from the natural landscape in which it has grown and developed; culture of the landscape, landscape of the culture.

    The village is recognized as a urban nature site by the Jerusalem municipality and, according to a preliminary ecological survey, has been ranked 20th out of 141 Jerusalem urban nature sites in terms of ecological value. The entire village and its agricultural surroundings is on the Israeli Tentative List of UNESCO World Heritage Site.

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